Free Bridal Invitation

Do you need to find printable Bridal Shower invites?

This free bridal invitation folds to make beautiful invitations.

This romantic picture of wedding rings speaks volumes! Classy and stylish - the invitations are a stunning way to invite your guests 

Fold the invitation carefully to make a card. Taking your time over this will give better results. 

Printable  Bridal Invitation

This beautiful image of wedding rings taken by photographer Petr Kratochvil, makes a romantic and stylish invite.

Free Bridal Invitation - wedding rings

Free to print

Would you like a wedding invitation to match your bridal shower invites? You can print your own wedding invitations to match!

Taking a little time over choosing your printable bridal shower invites will make you feel a lot happier over the finished result! It often helps to print out several invites before choosing - they can look a lot different on paper.

Try to use your invites to give your guests a clue as to the type of shower you are holding. Is it a formal occasion? Or a relaxed family get-together? The type of invite you send will set expectations.

Guest will also appreciate knowing when and where a shower is to be held - and don't forget to include a gift list if appropriate.

Write out your invitations carefully. You don't want to misspell the name of a guest, or give the wrong time or date. Work through your list slowly and carefully - and print out a few extra invitations just in case!

More Invites

Bridal Invitation

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